On Thursday, Guns Save Life had its day in court reference our challenge to the FOID Act.  You know, our effort to strike down the law that requires all prospective gun owners in Illinois to have that Firearm Owners’ ID Card that we all know and love.  (Pardon me, I think I coughed up a hairball typing that.)

We had oral arguments at the Fourth District Appellate Court.  I tuned in fully expecting another dull oral argument session.  Blah, blah, blah.

Boy howdy, was I in for a surprise.  Kwame’s attorney Jane Notz must have been brought up from the bench because she wasn’t the usual person representing the State of Illinois in these gun cases.  Not only that but she wasn’t that talented.

She didn’t get 35 seconds into her talking points before Judge DeArmond lit into her.  He tried to bring her back to the real question.  She deflects and evades.  He does it again.  She goes right back to her talking points.

Then she tried to trot out a largely unrelated case from the Federal Fourth District Court of Appeals that has no precedential value here in Illinois.

“Uh, uh, uhmmm,” she begins.  They she talks about shall issue footnote in Bruen.

“I don’t mean to fight your honor’s question…” she says.  She’s either dim witted or she’s desperately trying to defend the indefensible.

Judge DeArmond fires back, “You’re putting the cart before the horse…”  He tries again.

She continues to evade.  “Our position…  blah blah blah.”

“I realize you’re doing your best to avoid answering the question,” DeArmond says.

Start watching around the 25:00 mark or so.

It just gets worse for Julia Notz.  Much worse.  But then again, she’s misrepresenting citations, misciting footnotes and generally making a fool of herself.  Now, if she was arguing in front of Frank Easterbrook, he would have given her a pass.  But she’s not.  Judge DeArmond is no dummy.

The YouTube video of the entire hearing is about an hour long and may be taken down at any time.

If you want the Reader’s Digest version of what happened, listen to this 12ish minute segment from Greg Bishop.  He got some great quotes from me on the beatdown yesterday.




7 thoughts on “IL APPELLATE COURT 4TH DISTRICT: Guns Save Life v. Kwame Raoul Oral Arguments… Kwame’s lawyer got savaged! See it…”
  1. Its High Time Illinois gets off the Pritzker Plantation and “REPEAL” the FOID and every other gun control law in the State.
    Then they can tackle the tax code. Junk Ground in Illinois is taxed as though it is a House. Some of this ground has ditches so big you can not farm it or even use it for pasture. Yet its taxed like a house?

  2. The racist FOID will be gone in the near future. The tyrants will cling to their power until the bitter end, but we will prevail. Our property taxes will continue to climb as democrats drive businesses and actual taxpayers out of the state. Hopefully, there will be a reckoning someday.

  3. FOID cost me a year without rights for no reason. Hope it goes down in flames. Was burglarized once and foid stolen along with everything else in a wallet. Took the state a year to get me a replacement. RIDICULOUS!

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