The NRA is still around.  They aren’t out of business and they haven’t abandoned Illinois.  In fact, at a direct invitation from Guns Save Life, we have some great news!

The NRA-ILA’s Illinois lobbyist John Weber will join most of Guns Save Life meetings next week to bring us up to speed on how things are going at NRA and a legislative report on where he sees things going in Springfield.

And it all starts tonight in Danville at the GSL meeting there at Ela’s Eatery!  Come meet John Weber in person!

He and I get along like we’re long lost brothers and best friends.  We think alike on both political strategy and advocacy.  While GSL has eleven, soon to be twelve regional grassroots meetings and thousands of members, he’s got the resources, the reputation and the 4ish million member National Rifle Association behind him.

Like them or hate them, the NRA is the biggest dog on the block, in our state and in our nation when it comes to protecting and defending our 2A rights.  And the NRA-ILA are the people who are tasked with serving as the tip of the spear in that endeavor.

Along those lines, he’ll be joining us to talk about what’s been happening, where the NRA has been (and why they haven’t been in Springfield as much as some people would like since COVID) and where things are headed.  He’s a no-BS kind of guy.

He will appear in Danville on Monday Evening at Ela’s Eatery.

On Tuesday he will join GSL members in Rantoul and the KC Hall.

On Wednesday, he may be at the NW Chicagoland meeting (this one isn’t confirmed)

On Thursday he will be in Charleston at the Unique Conference Center ballroom.

See the “Meeting Lineup” box for times and locations.