Merry Christmas everyone!

Given the weather, please stay safe and stay warm…

We’re taking a couple of days for family.

But first, the latest:

HB-5855 appears to be withering away.  Why?  Well, the Illinois Black Caucus is still smarting over some of the pushback they’ve been getting from places they weren’t expecting it.

Meanwhile, much to Bozo Bob Morgan’s consternation, the Senate is drafting a competing bill.  We’re not sure what exactly it will look like, but we expect some of the worst of 5855 will be fixed in an effort to secure more support from the Illinois Black Caucus legislators.  And Bozo Bob won’t get to say it was his bill…  Poor little would-be tyrant.  Can you pass him a tissue?

Gun control advocates have great hubris so we’re not sure what the Senate bill will contain for provisions.  (Hopefully it’ll be even more Draconian, so it’ll be easier to beat in court.)  The gun control advocates pushing this latest gun grab actually think this new bill will survive a court challenge under the Bruen decision.

We’ll have more in the coming days at it becomes available.  For now though, it’s time to spend some time with family and you should too.

I’ll be appearing Tuesday evening at 7pm as the guest of the Illinois House Freedom Caucus.  

We’ll have more after Christmas, but we’re asking GSL members, gun owners and like-minded folks to donate to our coalition’s legal challenges filed by outstanding, experienced attorneys.  

100% of the donated monies will go to fighting back against Illinois gun control legislation signed into law by the governor.  None of this money will be comingled with operating funds for GSL.  It’s going directly to paying the lawyers who are working at a sharply discounted non-profit organization billing rate.  The legal defense fund for our local legal teams here in Illinois, administered by the FFL-IL group, is here.


If you’re looking for a charitable organization where you can make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation to help us in our Illinois legal battles, then the Second Amendment Law Center is the place to go.  They’re earmarking all donations form Illinois residents for our Illinois litigation.


3 thoughts on “Merry Christmas… More on 5855… Now, go spend some time with your family and friends…”
  1. Merry Christmas to all, may the Blessings of the Lord and Jesus Christ be with you throughout the new year.
    Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful day, thanks especially for your strength, kindness and wisdom, and all the love and good friendship you have shown my way. (DLM.)

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