We mentioned “Glock switches” in our story about the upcoming gun buyback in Peoria on Sat., November 19th.  One of our readers emailed us wanting to know what a “Glock switch” is.  Admittedly his Google-fu needs strengthening, but the short answer is that it is an accessory that converts the traditional Glock into a full-auto machinegun.

They’re quite the rage among ‘bangers, aspiring rap artists and other ne’er-do-wells.  Of course, for the law-abiding, possession of said devices is a big time felony and prosecutors would send any one of us up the river (or is it down the river?) for 10 years or more for simple possession.

For gang bangers and other oppressed members of society, they typically aren’t even charged with possession of a machinegun.  Or it’s plea bargained away so they can get double-probation for shooting up their neighborhoods.

Here’s more on the device from the mainstream media.  And then at the end, we saved the best for last:  a bunch of 8th-grade kids in Chicago graduating junior high and celebrating by showing off their Glock switches.  Dollars to donuts they can’t read or write at grade level (if at all), but they know what a Glock switch is.

And then there’s a music video about the device.  Fair warning, mute your speakers to see some outstanding gun safety on display.  Well, trigger finger discipline is pretty good.  Muzzle control?  LOL.  What’s that?

And here are our Chicago Public School graduates in action.  Including the kid who already apparently has an internship at NASA.

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