
There's a lot of California secession talk among the liberals incensed over the election of Donald Trump. 

First off, secession is for losers.  Are these people really so fickle and simple-minded to want to secede over the results of a single election?  Perhaps some of these Calexit champions need to learn that losing is not intolerable and that they aren't special snowflakes.  Life doesn't hand out "winner" trophies to everyone at everything.


What's more, as much as a great many of us in flyover country would LOVE to see Californians become their own nation (and financially maintain their own governance), Democrats in Washington would never allow it and I'll tell you why:  California delivers a consistent 55 electoral votes for Democrats ever four years.  That's more than one-fifth of what's required to win.  Do you think the "win at all costs" Democrat party would allow the golden goose to run off and find a new barn in which to roost?


No, this Calexit talk by social justice warriors and whiny, hard-core leftists is nothing more than losers whining.

Grow up and grow a pair, kids. 



9 thoughts on “CALEXIT FARCE: Secession is for losers, besides the Dems will never let California leave”
  1. Maybe they all need a week in their safe space to whine. Welcome to the real world. We've put

    up with your nonsense for 8 years.

  2. Ship all the illegals to Californicate, then let them become part of Mexico. Any libtard who wants to move there before that happens, we'll pay their way.

  3. Change has happened in describing these democrat. They should not be called " snowflakes " all the time. Try " Bubble heads "..

  4. Remember that 1/3 of California voters voded FOR President Trump!  Guess they don't care about 1/3 of their own population while they make these foolish noises.

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