
I’ve been to Edwards, Mississippi.  My former mother-in-law came from that neck of the woods as a child and we visited it together.  It’s a small town, rich in southern culture and sadly, home to a lot of poverty as well.

Edwards Police Chief adds ‘All Lives Matter’ to police car bumpers

EDWARDS, MS (Mississippi News Now) In light of recent tragedies across the nation, one local police chief has done something to try and bring the community together.

Edwards Police Chief Torrence Mayfield used his own money to put  “All Lives Matter” on the bumper of Edwards’ police cars.  Chief Mayfield and the Mayor of Edwards Marcus Wallace used their own money to update the cars with this slogan.

Many police cars have some kind of slogan somewhere on the car, such as ‘In God We Trust’ or ‘Protect and Serve’.

Mayfield wanted to add this slogan after events like the deadly shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, along with the shootings of police officers in Dallas, Baton Rouge and San Diego.

It should not just be ‘Black Lives Matter’ or “Blue Lives Matter,'” Chief Mayfield said. “But Hispanic, Muslim, Jewish – all lives should matter and nothing warrants police officers’ lives lost. We want this to resonate far and abroad. Everywhere. All communities should embrace this.”

Mayfield says that the police officers’ purpose is to protect the public so they are able to go about their lives without the fear of being robbed, mugged or murdered.

Follow the link for the TV report that has the naysayers expressing reservations and reporters asking, “Do you think this is a good use of money?”

Good for the Edwards Police Chief.  And good for Edwards for gaining some positive publicity for doing the right thing.



9 thoughts on “THEY DO: Heads explode as Mississippi police chief puts “ALL LIVES MATTER” on squad cars”
  1. If people had come up with All Lives Matter on its own, as a complete and independent statement, it wouldn’t be controversial. What makes people question the “brains and guts” of people who say it now is that “All Lives Matter” is only a rejoinder to “Black Lives Matter.” It’s used almost exclusively to dismiss or minimize the importance of black lives, to change the subject away from the systemic racism many Americans face in America. That’s shameful. Plastering it across police cars is wrongheaded enough to make a man wince.

    1. That’s just asinine. The whole problem with the BLM garbage is that THEY want you to think black lives are more important than others, or that other lives don’t matter as much or at all.
      To not respond to that is the result of liberal intimidation.

    2. Almost … but they don’t really even believe that black lives matter. Otherwise they wouldn’t worry about the less than 2% of black “victims” shot by police, they’d care about the literal bloodbath of black-on-black violence in the urban areas.

      From today’s running total at on Chicago’s count
      Shot & killed 367
      Shot & wounded 2067
      Total shot 2434
      Total homicides 405

      Police involve shootings:
      total dead 6
      total wounded 8

      Race of victims 78.6% black

      So you see, they don’t care about black lives. They only care about black criminal lives when shot by police … because THAT advances “the Narrative”

      Carry on.

    3. Oh for f$$$’s sake: what a crock of shit.

      The only racists in today’s America are some black folks and liberal Dems.

      Thank you for playing the politically correct game so well. You have been well indoctrinated, comrade.

  2. If black lives mattered, they wouldn’t be killin’ one another so enthusiastically.

    Too many might also embrace education instead of eschewing it.

    It’s a damn shame how the Dems keep blacks on the modern day plantation of welfare benefits.

  3. Don:

    I’m disappointed to see that you are not only allowing, but submitting to the Left’s changing the meaning of words in our language to suit their agenda.

    ALL lives matter, not just the black ones.


  4. Don Gwinn, I’m glad I am not the only one who has changed and learned to listen to the black community. You are a brave man.

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