Mike Lave, left, won his choice of a .380 Bersa or a 12-gauge social shotgun.
Mike Lave, left, won his choice of a .380 Bersa or a 12-gauge social shotgun.  He’s pictured with Alfreda Keller, our Chicago Coordinator and Rocco Wlodarek, our main speaker.


Great meeting last night at Guns Save Life Chicago. Great new meeting location at DA’s Deli & Diner in Orland Park. (DA doesn’t stand for double action in this case.)

Rocco Wlodarek, instructor with Black Flag Firearms Training delivered a great presentation on how police response strategies have changed since Columbine.

It was arguably some pretty heavy stuff, but informative, educational and potentially life saving. And Mike Lave won his choice of .380 pistol or 12 gauge social shotgun.


One thought on “GSL Chicago: Great meeting at a new location.”
  1. Rocco was my instructor for the required 16 hour CCL course. You would be hard pressed to find a better instructor. Hope to try Force on Force as well as some of his defensive handgun/rifle classes in the future.

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