Kooky fringe leftists would be cute if they weren’t so potentially dangerous if you give them power.
Mike Dickinson wants to be a Democrat Congressman from the state of Virginia.
Why is an Illinois-centric blog covering a fringe leftist Democrat candidate in a race in Virginia?
Well, because Mike Dickinson wants you and me to contract ebola and die a slow and painful death, that’s why.
How’s that for progressive tolerance of diversity?
But wait! That’s not all!
Mike Dickinson hates Christians too.
Why? Because he says Christians are the most intolerant people on the planet.
If all of that isn’t enough to warm the cuckles of your heart, then you probably don’t want to know that Mike Dickinson, fringe leftist Democrat, is seeking pornographic pictures of the attractive Texas coed who hunts big game animals and posts pictures.
Oh yes. It’s true.
The Inquisitor has the story:
Nude photos of Texas cheerleader Kendall Jones will garner a $100,000 bounty from Virginia Democratic Congressional candidate Mike Dickinson. The self-described liberal has a history of posting messages often deemed insulting and inflammatory on social networking websites.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr, Kendall Jones is the Texas cheerleader who posted controversial photos of herself and dead wild animals on Facebook. The 19-year-old Texas Tech student was allegedly hoping to get a reality show offer based upon her safari exploits.
The tweet Mike Dickinson posted on the DickinsonForCongress Twitter account reads:
“I have 100k to anyone who has nude photos or videos of #kendalljones at Texas Tech. She deserves to be a target.”
After the tweet asking for nude photos of Kendall Jones, Virginia liberal Mike Dickinson followed up by posting this:
“Does #KendallJones use vegetables as sex toys? Does she enjoy being spanked? We want to know.”
Even those Twitter users who did not like the trophy killings of wild animals posted that Dickinson’s tweets about Kendall Jones were at the very least, offensive. In response, the Democratic candidate for Congress noted his free speech rights and in some cases, resorted to vulgar insults to other posters.

This guy has issues.
I’ll just leave it at that.
a perfect example of what not to do to win a congressional seat.
Worse has happened! We have a community organizer in a high position who espoused firearm confiscation while ‘teaching’ college in Chicago.
The guy is not registered as a candidate and therefor just another fraudster, so whoever contributes to this loon must be beyond stupid.
Some how, he’s to go on a walk around in Chicago on a long holiday weekend to improve social skills.
Too bad his father didn’t use the other hole! Or did he?!