Seems that Target just wants to sell merchandise (while not trying to give away scores of millions of credit card numbers), and not be used as a pawn in political advocacy as they told Moms Demand Action to pack up their dog and pony show even before the event started at a recent would-be rally in San Antonio, Texas.

Target has been lobbied hard in recent weeks to ban guns in all Target stores by Mayor Bloomberg’s minions, the Moms Demand Action (go to a singles bar) girls, as they action-seeking moms tried to capitalize on the bone-headed, open carry antics from Open Carry Texas.

The unsatisfied moms failed in their quest, but are keeping the pressure up on Target with this rally they had planned for last weekend.

Turnout was likely to be scarce, as it had been in a host of other cities across the nation as about three dozen people total (kids included) turned out for their “nationwide day of protests” at Target stores last month.

Target wanted no part of this time either and gave them the boot.

Good for you Target.

Their Facebook post asked their supporters to make calls to Target.

We’re guessing the phones at Target were a lot like the Maytag repairman’s phone.


One thought on “DARN SHAME: Moms Demand Action kicked off Target property”
  1. The clueless “moms ” are just being used by Shannon Watts ( head of this circus ) to keep Ms. Watts #1 ” John ” Michael Bloomberg spending his money. Once Comrade Bloomberg figures out how ineffective and unpopular Moms Demand Action really is he will be dumping them fast. Like any woman who sells herself to a man for cash, Ms. Watts know that it’s back to walking the streets if she doesn’t come up with some new tricks.

    We should all contact Target and thank them for not tolerating the lunacy of the ” moms ” and that we will be spending our money with them.

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