Month: January 2014

GunNews is up!

  The January 2014 issue of GunNews is up on the website and available for download. Use the membership form on the back page to get a copy delivered to your mailbox each month, a week or so sooner than we typically post it up on the website. Thanks!

Year in Review – both for GSL and ISRA

Good Thursday morning! We didn't do a year in review here at Guns Save Life. Maybe we should have as we've had plenty of huge victories. Okay, you twisted my arm.  This was originally just going to be a reprint of ISRA's Executive Director Rich Pearson's "Year in review", but…

SHAMEFUL: Tribalism in America today

Glenn Reynolds nails it in a USA Today piece about the rise of tribalism seems to best describe what's happening in America today.   ...Tribalism is the default state of humanity: The tendency to defend our own tribe even when we think it's wrong, and to attack other tribes even…