It’s light posting time here at GSL for ‘jboch’, your primary blogger.

I’m buried in several hundred class registrations, certificates that need to go out, and preliminary work on GunNews for next month.

Oh yeah, let’s not forgot class prep for four days of classes starting Saturday.

By the way, we have openings in THIS Sunday’s GSL Defense Training eight hour IL CCW class near McLean, Illinois.  November 3rd.  Open to any GSL member with eight hours of previous recognized credit (you need a DD-214 or training certificates and your GSL membership card). 

Not a member?  Bring a check for $40 made out to Guns Save Life when you come. 

“Why $40?  I thought membership was $30,” you say.

Because you’re going to sign up yourself and a friend.

What qualifies for the first eight hours of training:

Previous NRA Basic Pistol or Personal Protection, or military service:  8 hours.  Hunter Safety:  4 hours.  Utah, Florida classes:  4 hours each (if you have training certificates).

Here’s a brochure about the class.  The Sunday class is not shown on the registration form because it’s a “friends and family” class at the Holland Farm.

To enroll, shoot me an email at templar223 at comcast dot net.  $125 per person.  150 rounds of ammo required.  This same class next year will be $200 per person.

We’ll donate the first $125 of these registrations to Guns Save Life to compensate GSL for this “ad”.  Room for about a dozen peeps.  Will pull this announcement when full.


One thought on “Light posting of late… 8-hour IL CCW class Sunday open to GSL members”
  1. John,

    Remember, while being buried in a pile of papers is not cover, it will act as concealment.

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