Kudos to New York State gun owners who turned out in Albany to petition their elected officials to repeal the recently passed ban on modern self-defense guns.

Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day is coming up this Wednesday!

If you’re not already going, make plans to attend.  Our goal is to pack Springfield and let our politicians know we’re tired of waiting for right to carry and warn them against adding more gun restrictions.


(Gun Politics NY) – Approximately 12,000 people showed up for lobby day today.  Capitol Park was overflowing and people were waiting up to 1.5 hours to get into the Legislative Office Building.  It was the largest political gathering of gun owners anywhere.



Scenes from the rally to repeal the NY SAFE Act

(AllOverAlbany) – Thousand of people rallied outside the Capitol Thursday for the repeal of the NY SAFE Act. Among those there: NRA president David Keene (Cap Con/NY Now has video). And Carl Paladino was also there, apparently in low-profile mode. [TU CapCon] [State of Politics]

A lot of the talk from the speakers was you might expect at a rally against a gun control law: a focus on the 2nd Amendment (and other rights), freedom, charges of government overreach, chants of “Cuomo’s gotta go.” And there were also some of the caricatures you might expect — both in the people rallying, and in their messages (there were at a few führer references).



One thought on “Scenes from yesterday’s New York State gun rights rally”
  1. cuomo and bloomberg, two of the biggest traitors to the state of new york and the united states of america

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