Guns Save Life filed a facial challenge to the FOID Act earlier this year.

Recently, our legal team argued at the Appellate Court for a temporary order blocking enforcement of the FOID Act.

Here is a link to the oral arguments in our case.

Meanwhile, earlier in the fall, in the People v. Brown case, David Sigale abandoned Illinois gun owners and an earlier circuit court decision striking down the law. He narrowed his defense to just Vivian Brown.

You can listen to David Sigale’s oral arguments in that FOID case here.

Listen to those and tell me who you would want representing you and your gun rights.

2 thoughts on “Guns Save Life’s FOID Challenge Moves Forward”
  1. Oh my GOD!

    So the Brown Case, the best chance Illinois gun owners have had in 50 years to overturn this horrible law, has been sabotaged.

    The FOID card is a law that should have never been created in the first place.

    Aaron Zelman Founder of JPFO, once explained to me the dangers of having lists and he referenced Schindler’s list as an example. Such lists are extremely dangerous; in today’s political climate, the FOID card has the potential of becoming a modern day version of Schindler’s list.

    The FOID Act is an example of how “The Rule of Law can become nothing more than the Opinion of a Politician backed by the Force of Arms”.

  2. People need to understand that courts normally rule very narrowly, and are not prone to throwing out entire statutes at one go. If you read the Brown brief, you’ll find Sigale’s arguments fits what the Court normally does (issue very narrowly-drafted rulings). Accusing Sigale of “abandoning” everyone else is foolish and not based in reality. Sigale focused on one aspect/one victim to build his arguments, rather than throw everything at the Court to see what sticks. If our side wins, we have a stepping stone case to build upon, where as a loss limits the damage.

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