Colorado, the state seeking to ban most modern shotguns and all magazines over 15 rounds and at the same time is seeking non-residents gun owners to come and spend dollars into their economy hunting.


From Denver Post article via Field and Stream

After years of watching sales of elk licenses slide, Colorado wildlife officials are launching a nationwide ad campaign to bring more hunters to the state. The trick will be convincing people who pay hundreds of dollars for a nonresident hunting license in some states that the 23 million acres of public land and 300,000 elk in Colorado are the best in the West. “We have exceptional elk hunting. It’s very good in many of the western states,” said Al Langston of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. “It’s up to the hunter to decide what system fits.” The Colorado Division of Wildlife gets about two-thirds of its $110 million budget from hunting and fishing licenses, but sales of elk licenses in Colorado dropped by more than 37,000 from 2005 to 2009, with revenue falling by roughly $8 million in that time, Director Tom Remington said.

Colorado wants $500 for an Elk tag.  Plus you not to bring in any “high cap” magazines, if Gov. Hickenlooper signs the quartet of gun restrictions on his desk this week.

We have a better idea for prospective hunters:  Tell Colorado to go pound sand.

Quote this article and let Colorado governmnet officials know why you won’t be partaking of any trips to Colorado, much less buying any hunting permits or tags.



2 thoughts on “Colorado seeks non-resident hunters… tell ’em to pound sand”
  1. Telling usurpers of rights to pound sand is exactly the right thing to do.

    All the paid for permission slippers should be told to pound sand.
    Every one of them.

  2. Colorado could just change the name of their “Fish and Game” to “Fish and Political Correctness Games.”

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