
Support for an assault weapons ban has reached an all-time low with the release of the latest Gallup poll (see above).

What's more, not even a majority of Democrats supports such a ban.


Someone tell Hillary when she wakes up from her nap.


4 thoughts on “SOMEONE TELL HILLARY: Public opposition to Assault Weapon Ban at all-time high”
  1. I wonder what the results would be if the fools stopped calling it an "assault" rifle? There are much more appropriate terms. Modern sporting rifle, Armalite style rifle, the most popular rifle in existance all come to mind. We don't call tissues "snot catchers"do we?

  2. Nobody among my friends supports banning guns.  Then again, if they did they wouldn't be a friend of mine.  Need help moving?  I'm busy.  Need to borrow a gun when SHTF?  I bet someone won't take your $2000 golf clubs for a gun, but I bet they might take your teenage daughter for a gun.

    How bout calling them "police patrol rifle" or just rifle?

    Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, self-serving bitch.  The good news is that she's probably not going to be around for four more years.  The bad news is we get to hear her whine and bitch.

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