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Here we go again.  So predictable.

Today:  Another “GUN FREE” zone, another spree massacre.  Every spree shooting in America in the last fifty-plus years, save one or two, happened in a “GUN FREE” zone.  Gun free zones are disarmed victim zones, not safe places.

Tonight:  Gun hater politicians and mainstream media hacks blame guns for the incident, and a lack of tyrannical gun control for allowing this to happen.   They’ll whine and cry and wail, blaming the NRA and its members – instead of blaming their own failed gun control for keeping good guys disarmed.

These gun haters are like drug addicts and alcoholics:  They blame everyone and everything but their own poor decisions and choices.

Tomorrow:  They’ll demand more “gun control” when it’s gun control that forced law-abiding good guys at this college to leave their guns at home or in their cars, making the campus an inviting target for a social misfit (or Islamic terrorist) to implement his plan to kill as many as he or she could.  What’s worse, these same despicable people will fundraising to their ilk that all “we” need is more of the same failed measures and won’t you just give them some money.


Photo via Gateway Pundit.

Umpqua Community College is a posted Gun Free Zone. With the college security page stating the following:

“Possession, use, or threatened use of firearms (including but not limited to BB guns, air guns, water pistols, and paint guns) ammunition, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or any other objects as weapons on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations, is prohibited.

Possession of knives with a blade longer than 4” is prohibited.

Brandishing weapons is prohibited.

Misuse of personal defensive weapons – e.g., pepper spray, etc. is prohibited. The owner is responsible and accountable for any misuse of these devices.”

That sure stopped the bad guy, didn’t it?


9 thoughts on “WHEN WILL GUN GRABBERS LEARN? Another “gun free” school zone, another spree massacre”
  1. They will say “if we could save one life wouldn’t it be worth it”, we should say your absolutely right and your way has not worked well for 40 years we need to try something new so we can save some!

  2. For now everyone on both sides of the issue is holding their breath, waiting for the perp’s ID…
    Personally I think if it was Billy Joe Bob Redneck, local gun enthusiast and AR-15 owner with a Confederate flag on his truck… it would already have hit the news. They’re treating the identification like it’s “sensitive”…

    Meanwhile, 10-15 people are dead because they’re afraid to allow concealed carry or armed security guards on campuses.

    Oh.. and this incident is a casualty count than most weekends in Chicago, but that doesn’t fit the narrative since it’s almost exclusively black on black crime with guns obtained illegally anyway.

  3. This angers me.

    Innocent kids get slaughtered because of liberals’ feel-good “shield” of some sissy-assed sign that’s supposed to stop evil people.

    Keep talking to your friends and coworkers, people. Tell them about the utter uselessness of those signs.

    1. Appears that it is a “hate crime” against Christians, soon lamestream media will be saying?: “mooove along, nuttin to see here…”

  4. Today on CBS, Scott Pelley reports on the mental illness involved in these mass shootings (see recent GSL blog on this trend). Now we find out killer was targeting Christians. Since Christians have been labelled dangerous by this administration, does that mean Muslim terrorists that murder Christians (which is probable here at UCC) are not,in fact, mentally ill, but will by media and OneBigAssMistakeAmerica be granted a pass via freedom of religion (aka Sharia law)?!!!

  5. Nobody ever accused the people who advocate for gun control to be super intelligent – well, aside from Barack Hussein. Dangerous to your family’s safety, yes. Smart, no.

    I am glad the killer is dead. A fitting end to his pathetic, despicable existance. They should bill his family for the ammo.

  6. I am not belittling the tragedy but I think over 900 people died on Illinois roads no call for banning cars.

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