Carter Gaddis, the beta male & former pajama boy.  ( photo)
Carter Gaddis, the beta male & former pajama boy. ( photo)

Carter Gaddis writes for a host of publications.

Last week, he offered his bigoted opinion about gun owners, specifically about NRA members who have an NRA sticker on their car.

To me, that NRA decal on the rear window of your car represents violent death.

By displaying that NRA decal on the rear window of your car, you are endorsing violent death.

By endorsing violent death, you show me that you do not care about the tens of thousands of gun deaths in the United States every year.

Who is Carter Gaddis and why should we care what this simple-minded namby–pamby writes?

Well, he’s a “Today” show contributor.  His “Today” stories have the following “about the author” tag.

Carter Gaddis is a writer and journalist whose work has appeared in the Tampa Tribune, Parenting Magazine, and other online publications. He lives with his wife and two sons near Tampa, Florida, and writes about fatherhood at Find him on TwitterFacebookPinterest and Instagram.

Well, after Mr. Gaddis’ self-identification as a beta male man-child afraid of the shadowed areas in his basement and elsewhere in the world, including under his bed, his world has been turned upside down by American gun owners giving him a reality check.

Gaddis has effectively shut down his “DadScribe” blog, making it private.   If his work isn’t any better than the tripe he wrote insulting about a big chunk of America’s law-abiding residents, the “DadScribe” going dark is no great loss.

He’s also closed his Facebook account, shut down his Pinterest account and moved his Instagram to “private”.

What’s wrong Carter?  You self-identified as a closed-minded bigot, libeling a whole lot of us with ugly labels.  Aren’t you willing to live with the consequences of your cheap shot good Americans?

22 thoughts on “CONSEQUENCES: Carter Gaddis can’t take fallout from his “What your NRA sticker says about you” piece”
  1. Sadly, his next article will be about how he was “bullied” by “hateful gun nuts” and forced to go into hiding “in fear for his life”. Then the antigun media can make him out to be yet another “courageous” victim.

    1. Maybe like Trump said in his speech the other day, its time we stop being so nice. As unfortunate as that may be, being nice has gotten us nowhere lately. Sometimes the bully needs a little bullying himself. There are far more of us, the silent majority, than there are of these liberal nitwits, it won’t even be much of a fight if we will just fight back.

    2. Well said. I’ve tried being nice for years, and it gets us nowhere. There are the sheep, the sheepdog and the wolves, and far too many of these gun control advocates are the wolves, masquerading as sheep. Time for the sheepdog to find his bark because otherwise it’ll soon be time to use our teeth.

    3. I have been saying for years that appeasement and concession have caused more problems than they have solved.

      If someone doesn’t like gun ownership that’s fine, “They can keep it too themselves”

  2. I wonder what the tone of the comments he received was. Were they constructive criticism with offers to enlighten and educate? Or were they filled with angry name calling (pajama boy, beta male, etc.) instead? If the later, then unfortunately the people making the comments sort of confirmed his point.
    If the tone was even worse, and frankly I wouldn’t be surprised to see vile comments given the nature of the internet, then he may well have reason to be afraid. If that is the case, then the only people we have to blame for any “courageous victim” narrative would be the people who made any awful comments.

    1. He’s about as courageous as a turd.

      He should be shamed.

      Our society is chock full of people who believe their opinion is as valid as the next person’s and everyone is a “winner”.

      No, everyone is not a “winner”, nor are idiots’ or bigots’ opinions worth listening to.

      If that was the case, we’d all be studying the opinions of lunatics like the Unibomber, Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy, and Jared from Subway to name a few.

      No, Matt: I’m calling a spade a spade, not a jewel-encrusted work of art.


    2. Part of the problem is that these people have NO shame. Shaming them does not work. While I abhor the vile rhetoric these people use to describe good conservative people, we need to use their own tactics against them if you want to see any results. Put some real fear into these people, but stay within the law! Make them put their money where their mouth is. My new lines are simple; FU, say it to my face, and nut up or shut up. Get in their face and get in it loud with attitude. I hate doing this, but it is the only tactic these people understand. Shout down, it is the only legal tactic they understand. I’d suggest we catch them in a dark alley and give them a good “hickory shampoo’, but thats just me.

    3. A new ebook came out last week on Amazon (also available directly from the publisher), called “SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police” by Vox Day. I recommend it.

      He makes mention of the “concern trolls” who only attack folks that are (arguably) on their own side. We need to be “nice”. We need to avoid “name calling”. Avoid the feelbadz.

      Which is why (1) we’ve been losing this cultural war for the last 50 years, and (2) concern trolls should be shamelessly ignored.

      Case in point: A rabidly anti-gun gamma male writes an inflammatory, OFFENSIVE, attack on over 5 million NRA members, including men, women, children, minorities … a pretty diverse group of freedom and responsibility loving Americans. This jackwagon implies we’re all a bunch of murderers and he’s scared for his children.

      John calls him out, and along comes a concern troll who’s worried only about our language being anything less than polite?

      Piss off, Troll.

    4. Amen. Have we learned, yet, that we need to fight Saul Alinsky with Saul Alinsky?

      We’ve all seen the leftist hate mob attack people into submission if they dare counter the narrative. This is the same game and it clearly works.

    5. I posted the comment below on his facebook page. Not sure if he read it or not but in cases like this I think constructive polite feedback is always best.

      “I’m an electrical engineer and a parent with a son of my own and I’ve been exposed to guns since I was a little kid. I grew up with them and have owned guns all my adult life. I’ve known literally hundreds of NRA members and have yet to meet a single one who wasn’t a responsible gun owner. I’ve never met one who represents “violent death”. Your view of the NRA and it’s members has no basis in reality and instead is based on the progressive liberal’s need to vilify an organization because you are not looking carefully at the facts.

      You and the liberal media continue to characterize any shooting as “gun violence” with the need for more “gun control” and as a direct result of the “evil NRA”. It’s easy to blame guns and the NRA but instead you should be part of the solution and look at the real contributors like “gang violence” or “mental illness”. These have nothing to do with NRA members and the fact of the matter is in the vast majority of cases where mental illness is involved the guns were obtained legally and already included background checks. In the case of gang violence the guns were bought and sold on the streets and the fact of the matter is that criminals are not going to follow any background check requirements put in place on person to person transactions. If you really want to help and ensure your sons grow up in a better world, then characterize the problem correctly and face up to the fact that there is a mental health crisis in our country that we need to work to address. Do some research and see for yourself that people like James Holmes, Seung-Hui Cho, Jared Lee Loughner, Bryce Williams, etc. all passed NCIS background checks.

      Vilifying an organization that represents law abiding gun owners and characterizing this as “gun violence” isn’t the answer. I hope you take a good hard look at the actual facts and give my constructive criticism some real thought without discounting it because I’m a lifelong gun owner and lifelong NRA member.


  3. People like this guy should really go out and meet folks before turning them into some fantastical caricature. Or maybe he’s more comfortable not challenging his assumtions.

    1. If people did that, the two-party system would evaporate in an hour.

      Bigotry is that basis of all labels, labels are the basis of fear, and fear is the basis of all political power.

      Take that away, treat your neighbor like a human being, and suddenly we all have a lot more in common.

    2. If people did that, the two-party system would evaporate in an hour.

      Bigotry is that basis of all labels, labels are the basis of fear, and fear is the basis of all political power.

      Take that away, treat your neighbor like a human being, and suddenly we all have a lot more in common.

  4. Dad of the year right there, teaching his kids how to be fine, upstanding bigots. Just as his effed up daddy did with him.

  5. Did his parents name him after Jimmy Carter?

    President Carter, of course, was formally known as the worst president in American history.

    If you weren’t around in his time, consider yourself lucky.

  6. Liberals are finding out we fight back verbally when aroused! Personally I found his story makes me extremely angry!
    Being a Vet, a certified pistol instructor, Hunter safety Instructor, Gun owner and NRA member, owner and user of said implements
    He thinks he’s better than me my family, friends and relatives!
    As far as I’m concerned he’s useless! Sincerely hope he never faces a situation where using a firearm may save his family’s live because if he does he would be toast! Actually putting such information on the Internet is just plain foolish, guess Bad guys are too stupid to figure out he does not have a firearm in his house, Trying too cash in on the big bucks he thought he might get from Bloomberg for writing this trash!

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