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Get your tissues ready.

The mainstream media continues to cry a river over the family duped by the Brady Campaign into suing an ammunition retailer over the death of of their daughter at the hands of a spree killer in a “gun free” cinema.  Jessica Ghawi was murdered by a social misfit lunatic at a “gun free zone” theater.  Seems that silly sign on the front door did little to discourage the killer – and some researchers have speculated that he indeed chose the venue to commit his crime not because it was the closest or largest theater to his apartment, but because it was the nearest “no guns” zone location.

Instead of being prostituted by the Brady Campaign for publicity, perhaps Jessica’s family should have sued the theater for failing to provide adequate security after they posted “NO GUNS”, thereby keeping law-abiding good guys from carrying their safety rescue tools with them!

Family to Pay Price for Trying to Sue Ammo Dealers

Could be titled:  Family to pay price for filing frivolous lawsuit.  But that wouldn’t be nearly as sensational in San Francisco.

(KNTV) – The family of 24-year-old Jessica Ghawi, a victim in the 2012 movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, is faced with more than $200,000 in legal costs after a federal judge ordered them to pay attorney’s fees for four ammunition dealers the family attempted to sue.

“They have taken our daughter, and now they want to take our worldly goods,” Lonnie Phillips told MSNBC’s Tamron Hall in a televised interview earlier this week. “I think that’s a little much.”

“They”?  A lunatic killed your daughter because he was a lunatic.  Then you, Lonnie Phillips, committed a tort against a lawful corporation, and now YOU get to pay the price.  Sell your worldly good, Mr. Phillips.  Maybe you and people like you will think twice before you try to bankrupt a lawful commercial business because a customer does something criminal with a purchased product.

Applying your flawed logic, Mr. Phillips, victims of drunk drivers should be able to sue GM, Chrysler and Ford into the ground, in addition to the makers of the booze consumed.

Despite the shocking headline, legal experts told NBC Bay Area that the outcome of this case is not all that surprising.

The bill may be an exorbitant sum at face value, but it’s not that high for a case like this, said Robyn Thomas, Executive Director of the San Francisco-based Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

“You’d be shocked by how quickly fees can go up very, very high [with] the amount of time that’s spent preparing these lawsuits and working on their defense,” she said.

Thomas added that the case was dismissed before a trial could take place thanks to the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, or PLCAA, a federal law passed by Congress and signed by George W. Bush in 2005.

Lonnie Phillips ignored black-letter law.

And now he gets to pay the piper.

Have a tissue Lonnie.

7 thoughts on “CRY ME A RIVER: Media gins up sympathy in $200k judgement against family filing frivolous lawsuit”
  1. This is more like victims of drunk driving suing Exxon-Mobil. And are the Phillips employees of the Brady Campaign?

    1. I’m sure all the anti-firearms organizations will pitch in to help this poor low-information fool pay the legal liability his stupidity led to. (sarc.) Deplete their George Soros/Mikey Bloomers windfall funds? NEVER! boo-hoo.

  2. John forgot to mention that Lucky Gunner is donating the monies to pro-gun groups. They’re dividing it up amongst fifty groups, or something like that.

    ISRA is slated to get thousands of $$.

    Have a nice day, Lonnie Phillips.

    You effin’ jackass.

  3. You would think that attorney would have known about the PLCAA. Oh, wait there’s were grieving people to fleece.

  4. If it can be shown that the Brady Bunch induced these morons to file a frivolous lawsuit, there may be liability there as well.

  5. I hope Mr. Phillips (an employee of the Brady Group) has to live in the back seat of his car the rest of his miserable life.

    He got what he so richly deserved. Maybe he can sue the Brady Cabal for leading him by his nose into this mess of his own devising.

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