Arizona’s Jerone Davison (pictured above) doesn’t mince words when it comes to the Second Amendment.  He’s out with a shocking and powerful campaign ad, one which he says is a cinematic depiction of something that happened to him as a child in rural Mississippi.  In the voiceover, Davison brutally slashes back at today’s Democrats who want to ban America’s favorite rifle, the AR-15, and full capacity magazines.

Davison, a former college football and NFL star, became a pastor after his football career.  Today, he seeks higher office in Congress in the fourth district in Arizona.  Lord knows we could use more like him, especially in some of those Congressional districts in or near Chicago.

His “Make Rifles Great Again” campaign advertisement offers a reminder of why gun rights are important, especially for minority communities.  It’s a memorable ad that will be tough for Daddy Mike Bloomberg’s paid working girl Shannon Watts to dismiss.

The ad itself:
The ad starts with Davison’s voice: “Democrats like to say that no one needs an AR-15 for self-defense. That no one could possibly need all 30 rounds.”
Then it gets interesting and then some.
He continues:  “But when this rifle is the only thing standing between your family and a dozen angry Democrats in Klan hoods, you just might need that semi-automatic and all 30 rounds.”



Oh, but wait!  It gets better.  A LOT better.

When Davison posted his video on Twitter, he caught all sorts of blowback from people who claimed that Democrats aren’t racist.  Can’t be racist.

Yeah, the good pastor delivered a polite, but powerful kick to their family jewels in a single tweet.

Jorone Davison’s got guts for producing this promo clip.  The least gun owners can do is support this guy to fight for our 2A rights in Congress – and to do more than just pay lip service to gun rights on the campaign trail.