It won’t surprise you that most parents have a strong protective instinct when it comes to their kids.  If you’ve never had kids, you can’t really understand the depth of those protective feelings.  Nothing brings out the mama or papa bear instinct like messing with their cubs.

On Father’s day, a 23-year-old man learned that fact of life the hard way. He reportedly accosted an 11-year-old girl in her own backyard in Wilson’s Mills, North Carolina. His problems began when the girl’s siblings ran inside and told mom and dad.

Reports suggest the girl followed her siblings and tried closing and locking the door, with the strange man trying to pull it open violently.

That’s when dad shot the man who was attempting to assault his children.

Here’s the Johnson County Report on the incident . . .

Wilson’s Mills Police say a father fatally shot a man who had just reportedly tried to accost his daughter. The shooting happened on Father’s Day in the Wilson’s Mills city limits.

Wilson’s Mills Police, aided by the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office, responded to Parker Street, at 9:03pm Sunday, for a report of a breaking and entering in progress with someone shot.

Chief A.Z. Williams said, based on the preliminary investigation, the suspect entered the backyard of the home where children were playing outside. The suspect allegedly tried to accost an 11 year-old girl. Other children ran inside the home and alerted the mother and father.

Police said the suspect attempted to follow the children into the residence by pulling on the back door handle and shaking it violently.

Kudos to dad for having the right tool to protect his family. Having and raising twin boys myself, I will say that strange adults messing with my kids in a similar manner would likely meet a similar fate.

Hopefully the girl wasn’t physically injured and the family won’t have to deal with too much in the way of fallout from the incident from friends or family of the deceased attacker. Also, let’s hope the dad has another gun as police probably took the one used in this incident for evidence.

One thought on “A DAD’S DUTY: North Carolina man shoots, kills attacker to protect his 11YO daughter on Father’s Day”
  1. Mom needs to buy dad a steak dinner! Daughter should cherish her brave dad! Good job dad!

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