Month: June 2021

‘RESTORATIVE JUSTICE’ FAIL: Dope-dealer felon from ‘restorative justice’ court with week-old bullet wound flees cops in bullet-ridden car

[caption id="attachment_30331" align="aligncenter" width="620"] Nothing to see here, officers...[/caption] "Restorative justice," "affordable bail," a bullet-riddled car and a dysfunctional justice system in Chicago all collided this weekend in Lori Lightfoot's Murder City USA.   It's so complicated and messed up that I'm just going to let CWB Chicago (which should be…

Gun owners got savaged in the General Assembly…

The Illinois General Assembly adjourned this morning. In the past couple of days, Illinois gun owners dodged one bullet but we were savaged by two other bills. Kathleen Willis' bill to mandate fingerprints for FOID cards passed the Illinois House.  It failed to get a vote in the senate because…