IGOLD 2019 Cropped

Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day will happen on Wednesday, March 27th in Springfield.  Make plans to attend today so you can impress upon our General Assembly members that gun owners mean business.  Ahead of the march to the Illinois State capitol building, David Keene will headline speakers at the Prairie Capital Convention Center. 

Here is a link to a downloadable page you can print and post at your workplace, or on community bullentin boards and local gun shops. 

Guns Save Life will be there again this year.  GSL members, feel free to wear your Guns Save Life apparel, or yellow IGOLD t-shirts.  Although the weather on March 27th probably will not leave those sporting t-shirts very warm. As always, we encourage everyone to leave their camo and blaze orange at home.  Dress like you're going to church if you're not wearing GSL, NRA or IGOLD apparel.

The Illinois State Rifle Association has lined up some buses for select locations.  For more on this as it becomes available, and other updates, visit the ISRA's IGOLD page.


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