

In the aftermath of the horrific Muslim terror attack in Manchester yesterday, the British authorities have raised their terror threat level to “Critical.” According to the government, they expect additional terror attacks to occur imminently.

The civilized world mourns the 22 lives cut short and over a hundred more injured. At the same time, subjects in the gun control utopia of Great Britain cower. The Queen’s subjects wait nervously fearing additional radical Islamic terror attacks. If only British subjects had the right to use force in self-defense.


Of course, the right to use force without effective tools is meaningless. The only thing that stops bad people with evil in their hearts is a good guy with a gun. Tragically, Great Britain has a conspicuous dearth of good guys with guns.

In fact, almost all British cops patrol unarmed. And civilians with guns? Perish the thought. Bad guys and terrorists have no worries there. As the UK police will tell you, the only legal way a woman can defend herself from a rapist is with a rape alarm.

So obviously, Britain’s paucity of good guys with guns make it an ideal location for cowardly terrorists to attack teenage girls with impunity.


While some of America’s coastal regions and big cities make firearm ownership difficult, we should all thank our nation’s Founding Fathers for safeguarding our right to self-defense and our right to keep and bear arms.

At the same time, we should fight like hell to repeal noxious gun control restrictions. Gun control disarms victims, not criminals.

3 thoughts on “NOT AMERICANS: Brits Raise Terror Alert to Critical — and Cower”
  1. NATO needs to be disbanded…..if these mamby pamby European countries disallow their citizens to own military style weapons let alone any weapons then why should we come to their rescue if the "big bad" Russians decide to invade….let 'em fend for themselves…..if the French citizens were as heavily armed as are the US citizens I don't think the Nazi's would have steam rolled over them like they did in 1941…..Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

  2. It was only 70 some years ago, US citizens were sending civilian owned small arms to defend the UK from the Nazis, with the enthusiastic approvial of both the US and UK governments.  Self defense is a Divine right, not subject to debate. What we have now is the perpetuation of the big lie, that these muslims are just as civilized as the rest of Europe, and want the same things.  They dont!   And the EU, the individual governments, are all more than willing to sacrifice their citizens to keep that lie alive.    If there were Scots or Irishmen blowing up little girls in a concert venue, I doubt the reaction would be as mild.      To that end, IDGAF any longer. I am concerned solely with my own personal safety, and my family and loved ones. When another dozen get run over next week, I cant concern myself, because its all part of one big lie, and those in power should be looking at criminal charges for their lack of action.

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