Photo via Time.

The mainstream media in America can’t understand why exactly 6% of Americans trust their reporting.

Keep in mind that 6.7% of Americans struggle with serious mental illness.  That might explain why only 6% of Americans trust the media.

Photo via Huffington Post

Good old Katie Couric stands as a poster child for Americans’ distrust of the old school media.  How so?

Audio Shows Katie Couric Documentary Deceptively Edited Interview with Pro-Gun Activists

(Washington Free Beacon) – The makers of a new Katie Couric documentary on gun violence deceptively edited an interview between Couric and a group of gun rights activists in an apparent attempt to embarrass the activists, an audio recording of the full interview shows.

At the 21:48 mark of Under the Gun a scene of Katie Couric interviewing members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, a gun rights organization, is shown.

Couric can be heard in the interview asking activists from the group, “If there are no background checks for gun purchasers, how do you prevent felons or terrorists from purchasing a gun?”

The documentary then shows the activists sitting silently for nine awkward seconds, unable to provide an answer. It then cuts to the next scene. The moment can be watched here:


Unfortunately for the little tart Couric, the good men and women at the Virginia Citizens Defense League recorded the interview to guard against unethical or dishonest reporting.  President Philip Van Cleave absolutely loves Guns Save Life, by the way, and VCDL shares Guns Save Life’s aggressive style of gun rights advocacy.

However, raw audio of the interview between Katie Couric and the activists provided to the Washington Free Beacon shows the scene was deceptively edited. Instead of silence, Couric’s question is met immediately with answers from the activists. A back and forth between a number of the league’s members and Couric over the issue of background checks proceeds for more than four minutes after the original question is asked.

Under the Gun has been labeled “dishonest politicking in the guise of media coverage,” “loose with the facts,” and “a full-length assault on guns and the Second Amendment” by those in the gun community since its debut on May 15.

The Virginia Citizens Defense League labeled the deceptively edited segment featured in the film “unbelievable and extremely unprofessional.” Philip Van Cleave, the organization’s president, said the editing was done deliberately to make it appear that league members didn’t have a response to Couric’s question.

“Katie Couric asked a key question during an interview of some members of our organization,” he said. “She then intentionally removed their answers and spliced in nine seconds of some prior video of our members sitting quietly and not responding. Viewers are left with the misunderstanding that the members had no answer to her question.”

Confronted with proof the the unethical deception in the so-called documentary, here’s what executive producer Katie Couric had to say:  “I am very proud of the film.”

UPDATE 5:36 P.M.: The Washington Post’s Erik Wemple also tweeted a statement from Katie Couric.

 UPDATE:  The VCDL recording can be found at the Free Beacon story. 

4 thoughts on “FAKER THAN PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING: Katie Couric’s new anti-gun “documentary””
  1. Couric always has been and will never be any different then the others in the “Left Stream Media”.

    1. Eh, maybe a little.

      Maybe. Two words: Cougar Porn.

      Don’t tell my wife I wrote that.


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