Lauren Quinn, Moms Demand Action Champaign, IL member.
Lauren Quinn, Moms Demand Action Champaign, IL member.


WCIA Channel 3 in Champaign was the only local news outlet that got suckered into reporting on the great “National Day of Action” event being held in front of…  WCIA Channel 3 studios in Champaign!

How or why station management agreed to host the event is unknown, but the station pimped the event hard, reporting at least twice if not three times during their Wednesday newscasts.

And on their website

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – An area group is Taking Action to encourage people to put down their weapons. Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America has a local chapter.

The rally is in response to recent events like the news reporter and photographer who were killed on live TV in Virginia. The group wants lawmakers to reform and change some current gun laws.

Thursday, they’ll spread the word. Members say they want people to feel safe no matter where they are.

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Rally
Thursday, September 10
509 South Neil
5:30 – 7:30 pm


What happened?

One person showed up, then two more briefly, just long enough for three reporters – we assume from Channel 3 – to get some video and stills.

What a farce.

The “local chapter” of Moms Demand Action is a complete failure.  They couldn’t even muster the local professional agitator class to come out and support their misguided cause.

Three people turned out briefly.  That’s a second-rate amateur hour performance right there.



22 thoughts on “THREE STOOGES? Champaign, IL “National Day of Action” event turns up three people. Briefly.”
  1. It was sadly pathetic…..wasn’t even raining out so its not like it was something difficult to do either……
    At one point, there was more photographers and videographers than there was “Protesters”………

    1. That’s not unheard of at anti-gun “protests”.

      Remember the Indy NRA show a couple of years ago. Bloomberg paid 120 demonstrators’ air fare, hotel rooms, walking around money, etc., to demonstrate for two hours against the NRA.

      38 showed up if I remember.

      Gun control isn’t important to 98% of Americans.

  2. Does MDA hold these “rallies” in the rough areas of Chicago?

    Channel 3 news is a far cry from what it used to be. Since 15 no longer has their own news, there is not much to choose from, and I seldom watch any.

    How about inviting them to a GSL meeting? They could see how people really feel safe.

  3. Invite them to the Critical Threat Management class this weekend. There they can see the difference between people who demand to feel safe and those who accept the responsibility to BE safe.

  4. God, was that really a woman with the Moms Demanding Action?

    She looks like a homeless lady demanding a cheeseburger.

    Three people? Farce indeed.

    And Channel 3 covered it. They should be ashamed of themselves.

    Glad I don’t live in Urbana any longer. Of course, I don’t watch MSM news anyway, so it really doesn’t matter.

    1. Do you know how small it makes you look when you comment on someones looks. I am all for bashing the MDA group, I feel they want something for everyone, when not everyone wants it, but really you are going to comment on someones look. Please post a picture of your self, so we all can see what you look like.

    2. Leave it alone:

      You assume D.P. is referring to her attractiveness.

      I read his comment not referring to her attractiveness, but to her manner of dress and appearance overall.

      She’s not professionally dressed. She looks as though she’s wearing a t-shirt. She’s not made up or made to look even marginally presentable to represent an organization funded by a billionaire. She looks like she spent the last three days camping in a tent somewhere and just got up out of bed.

      Her appearance speaks volumes for the lack of professionalism of the people she represents, if her claims to represent them are true. What’s more, not only is it a lack of professionalism, but just the opposite.

      The woman looks like a crazy moonbat.

      Good for us. Not so good for them.

    3. John’s right. That woman looks ungroomed, and unprofessional. If that was the best “face” they could put forward on their local group, then they must be quite a bunch.

      I don’t want to tell them exactly how to clean up their act, so I will just leave it at “Keep Doing What You Are Doing” to them.

      God bless those with low IQs.


  5. A most enlightening commentary on the effectiveness of the media and their usefull idiots in provoking discourse upon a subject that is settled in most reasonable peoples mind as to what the problem is and has been all along………..and it ain’t guns.

    1. Nope. It isn’t the guns. It’s the violent criminal predators who wield them. And the family, friends and neighbors of those predators who protect those thugs out of misplaced loyalty or fear.

  6. Why did that TV station let these people hold a little rally on their doorstep? Is it so they wouldn’t have far to go? Or have they given up any semblance of unbiased reporting?

    At least the local newspaper didn’t let them use their sidewalk.

    Someone should have hit a big puddle and splashed them. Damn hippies often could use a good bath.


  7. O great I think it would be FAIR. For WCIA. To give us equal. Coverage. And invite GSL. To hold a rally on their steps. ( and yard ). And ( driveway ). And ( street ) I think we could guarantee a turnout of at least. A thousand.

    1. You have to ask yourself is helping them with their ratings and notariety worth the time and energy of a thousand of our members to show up just for the sake of refuting 3 moonbats that can’t comb their hair or look presentable for an interview?

      Not only “no” in my opinion, but HELL NO.


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