Clinton, IL (Guns Save Life) – In an effort to help our friends and neighbors become better prepared for emergencies, Guns Save Life is once again sponsoring a Preparedness Expo Saturday, August 10th from 9a.m. -5:30p.m. The event will take place at the DeWitt County Sportsmen’s Club six miles east of Clinton on State Route 10.

The event, co-sponsored by the U.S. Rifleman’s Association, Live Free USA, GSL Defense Training and the DeWitt County Sportsmen’s Club (DCSC), is free and open to the public. Lunch and refreshments will be available from the DCSC club.

Speakers will be coming from throughout the Midwest to share presentations on pre-planning for emergencies and disaster preparedness. Simultaneous presentations indoors and outdoors will allow visitors an opportunity to tailor their experience to their interests.

Topics lined up include disaster pre-planning, food storage planning and food pr[list=][/list]eparations during emergencies, basic home and vehicle emergency kids, firearm safety and personal defense, primitive fire-starting and cooking, communications basics and strategies, generator tips and safety, protecting your health, wealth and ability to earn an income, preparedness for kids, water storage / filtration / treatment, and preparedness strategies for apartment dwellers.

Topics under consideration include storm preparedness, basic first aid and post-disaster strategies, live fire with handguns and/or rifles and more.

Also, we’re possibly going to have representatives from FEMA and/or local ESDA on hand.

There will be lots of free handouts and guides available.

One thought on “Disaster Preparedness Expo 2013: Saturday, Aug 10 9am-5:30pm”
  1. Had a great time today… Thanks to everyone for putting it on. The only bad part was having to choose between presentations. BTW, signed up for GSL today… Looking forward to belonging to such a great organization!

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