Month: May 2013

GSL’s Peoria region inaugural meeting: Thursday, May 2nd

Please welcome our fourth monthly meeting location:  Peoria! Guns Save Life Peoria Meeting First Thursday of the month Knights of Columbus Spalding Council 427 7403 N. Radnor Road Peoria, IL  61615 Dinner and Conversation at 5:30. Meeting Business at 7:00. Contact:  Steve Schnurbusch at steve_schnurbusch (at) hotmail dot com

CHAMPAIGN COUNTY: Watch out! Berkeley, CA-based company seeks to bring liberal criminal justice policies to Champaign County

Central Illinois residents, particularly those in Champaign County, watch out! The Democratically-controlled Champaign County Board spent $120,000 to hire  a Berkeley, CA-based criminal justice consulting firm to make recommendations for changes to Champaign County's criminal justice system. Translation:  The Berkeley-based company is recommending bringing "alternative" criminal justice policies to the…

The seven-round hypocrisy in New York State

  While New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Michael Bloomberg enjoy professionally-trained security teams with standard-capacity magazines, everyday American citizens in that state are limited to an arbitrary seven-rounds in their magazines. Seven rounds. That's not even four double-taps. Why is this significant to the safety of NY families?…