The Federalist Papers reports that President Obama has loosened purchasing rules on non-citizens.

WHY Did Obama LOOSEN Restrictions on Foreigners Buying Guns

Photo via Federalist Papers

A little known change was made to gun control laws but nothing that would benefit American citizens.

In 2011, the Obama Administration decided to change a 1998 law that forced foreigners to prove they lived in the country for 90 days before purchasing a firearm.

For some reason, Obama feels that United States federal law shouldn’t have ‘different gun-control rules for noncitizens.’

From AllGov:

The Obama administration has decided to eliminate a 1998 restriction on the sale of guns to foreigners, claiming federal law does not allow the government to have different gun-control rules for noncitizens.

In a letter to firearms dealers, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) said it would no longer require sellers to obtain proof from foreign buyers that they have lived in the state for 90 days. The rule was originally instituted after a disturbed Palestinian, 69-year-old Ali Abu Kamal, admitted to the United States on a legal nonimmigrant visa, bought a 380-caliber Beretta semiautomatic handgun in Florida and, on the observation deck of the Empire State Building in New York City, shot to death one person and injured six others.

The Department of Justice … has recently concluded that, as a matter of law, applying a more stringent State residency requirement for aliens legally present in the U.S. than for U.S. citizens is incompatible with the language of the [Gun Control Act],” the ATF letter reads.

So here we have a President, along with his flunky Democrat minions, DEMANDING anyone on the completely unconstitutional ‘No Fly List’ be prohibited from purchasing firearms yet they changed the rules to allow foreigners to more easily purchase firearms in this country a few years back.


Could it be so Syrians coming into the USA can go out and purchase firearms with which to carry out terror attacks?

9 thoughts on “REALLY? Obama loosens gun purchase requirements for non-citizens”
  1. I used to jokingly say he was a sleeper terrorist, but so much of what be does is slowly weakening this country a little bit at a time, that I wonder if it might be true. While the liberals applaud everything be does, I feel less and less safe. Thugs are now the victims, and the police are the enemy,allowing terrorists to come to our country, trying to make all the illegals legal, weakening our military, spending a trillion dollars a year on welfare. And if he was born in the US then let the media show his birth certificate to the people of the United States. There is just too much wrong with this guy. If will take decades to undo the damage be has done to this country.

  2. On the matter of the birth certificate: anyone who works regularly with Illustrator and Photoshop can easily demonstrate that the document presented on the White House web site is a composite, and could not have been produced simply by scanning a paper document. It’s not clear why this would be so, but it’s quite clear that the officially presented document is not only fraudulent, but was constructed by someone who was only marginally facile with the appropriate software (i.e., was not a professional in a graphic arts field). A competent deconstruction of the document can be found here:

    NOTE: I have never said he was not born in this country–just that the document presented as his birth certificate is clearly fraudulent, and appears to have been constructed by an amateur. Speculation on why this is so is, as they say, left as an exercise for the student.

  3. That’s not stupidity – that’s a plan. Obama WANTS there to be multiple terrorist incidents using firearms because it aids his narrative of “ERMAGURD TERRORISTS CAN GET GUNS TOO EASILY!!”

    He gave ISIS guns in Syria.
    He gave the Muslim Brotherhood fighter jets in Egypt.
    He gave the Los Zetas drug cartel guns in Mexico.

    He wants to take your guns away from you – because violent criminals might get them.


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