Here you have it.  Right from the horse’s mouth:

Image via Moms Demand Action Facebook page.
Image via Moms Demand Action Facebook page.


Here’s a hint, chief dookey-for-brains:  If someone who is armed has a Big Mac in their hand, they are probably eating.  If they’re pointing their gun at someone demanding money, they’re probably not delivering Girl Scout cookies.

Is Chief McClelland really not smart enough to look at a scene, evaluate the totality of the circumstances, and come to a decision about whether or not exigent circumstances exist authorizing the use of deadly force to save innocent life from death or great bodily injury?  If not, then maybe it’s time to retire or resign.

Looking at his statement, he surely didn’t get his chief’s job because he was smart and articulate.

We’ll leave it to our readers to ponder how or why he got the job.

In any event, he certainly speaks like he’s an idiot, in the clinical sense.

Just so you know what an idiot is, in the clinical sense, although the term is no longer used as they were rapidly adopted as insults in popular culture:

These were all words used to describe a person whose IQ was below 70. More specifically, those who had an IQ between 0 and 25 were idiots, those between 26 and 50 were deemed imbeciles, and those scoring between 51 and 70 were considered morons.





3 thoughts on “DUNCE OF THE DAY: Houston PD Chief McClelland thinks his officers are just plain dumb”
  1. For that matter, if the mere presence of an unconcealed firearm is enough to confuse Chief McClelland, how does he distinguish his officers from robbers or kidnappers?
    That statement is too stupid to be credible. Rather, Chief McClelland is a liar who thinks the American public are too stupid to exercise their fundamental freedoms.

  2. “how does he distinguish his officers from robbers or kidnappers?”

    JAS, you’re a gem.

    Chief McShitforBrains?

    Well, he’s making Gary McCarthy in Chicago sound like a rocket surgeon.


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