You know those witness slips?

They work.


UPDATE:  The final tally of witness slips, which helped sink this proposal, was 174 in opponents, and six proponents.  Notably, the IDNR had “no position”.


Photo via NRA

Today, the Illinois Senate Environment and Conservation Committee defeated Senate Bill 1858 with a 4 to 6 vote.  SB 1858 was drafted to create a total ban on the sale or offer for sale of ivory or products containing ivory, regardless of provenance.  As written, the bill would have significantly diminished the value of legally obtained firearms containing any ivory, even if that ivory was legally purchased or is a bona fide antique.  The proposed language harmed those who have no part in illegal ivory trade activities, including firearm owners, sportsmen, hunters, recreational shooters and gun collectors who have legally purchased firearms (and knives, jewelry and other items) that have incorporated ivory features for decades. 

Historically, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service maintained the position that most ivory in the U.S. has been legally imported and that its sale in the U.S. did not materially contribute to the illegal ivory trade.

Your NRA-ILA will keep you updated as other firearm-related bills progress through the legislative process.



3 thoughts on “ILLINOIS WIN! Ivory ban defeated in committee”
  1. Very little illegal ivory comes into the states.What does has probably come through China,it’s the biggest market and buyer in the illegal animals products market not the U.S.

  2. This bill would have banned ivory LONG ago imported into America and made into everything from beads to grips to handles. If it had ivory on it, you couldn’t buy or sell it was my understanding of the bill.


    1. “Any ivory” even included fossilized mammoth ivory. Now there is nothing to keep poachers from hunting the wooly mammoth to extinction… uh, nevermind.

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