We wrote about this yesterday:  An anti-gun male, Michael Foster, momentarily sees a gun in a holster under a man’s jacket at a Walmart in Florida.

Michael Foster doesn’t call 9-1-1 or notify store employees.  Instead, he takes it upon himself to stop the next mass killing by jumping the man and attempting to disarm him.

When police show up, our would-be hero goes to jail.

It turns out the victim in the incident was a 62-year-old black male.  Legally armed, we might add – as people who carry guns in holsters almost always are.

The $1.98 question is did the victim’s race enter into the attacker’s thought processes?

In other words, is he a racist hoplophobe or just a hoplophobe?

In either event, he will probably be signing over most of his assets to the victim after the lawsuit gets finished.




And Shannon Watts – aka Shannon Troughton, President and owner of of VoxPop Public Relations, a boutique liberal PR firm  – gets in on the act as well:



So, Shannon believes that it should be perfectly legal for idiots to tackle people lawfully carrying guns and to attempt to disarm them.

Shannon, come on over to central Illinois and you can go first.



8 thoughts on “VIDEO: White anti-gunner attacks black CCWer at a Walmart in Florida; Shannon Watts thinks it should be legal to do so”
  1. Just unreal, the idiot should be charged with battery, unlawful restraint, and attempted strong arm robbery for trying to forcibly take the firearm. several felonies and a prison sentence would be appropriate. goes to show ALWAYS stay aware, the victim is an older man being attacked by a younger and stronger man, he was 100% justified in shooting this dirty s.o.b.

    BTW notice the sheep bystanders doing nothing / getting closer and putting themselves in the way of a possible shooting / or appearing to help the attacker. If God forbid one of us ends up in the s**t we’ll probably be on our own. Thanks Mr. Boch for always giving us not just the story but something we can learn from.

    1. I dont think blacks should carry guns .I dare you to tell me otherwise! my # (707) XXX-XXXX.

      [Edit by jboch: I suspect he’s trolling.]

  2. Where is Sharpton, Jackson and Quannell X? Sounds like a hate crime to me. I guess black men with guns don’t meet the criteria for the race hustlers/baiters.

  3. Is this the Wild Wild West scenario we where told would happen? Anti-gunners mugging legally armed citizens?
    This could have turned out very bad. It also goes to show that you need to keep an eye on your six.

  4. Yes and. It also makes me think back to Mr Wrights article on carrying a backup. Which makes me more aware more alert and keeping a constant lookout Of who is looking at me now. —-was I concealed completely or did someone see something I may should have concealed a little better. I am comparatively. New at wearing Concealed carry. And I do have a lot to learn. This all helps me learn. Thanks

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