Month: April 2018

IGOLD Ride Sharers & Carpoolers wanted.

Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day is next Wednesday.  It's our chance to go to Springfield.  Each of us, in our own way, can help educate our elected officials and empower them to vote no on gun control.  We can help them learn that the gun control plantation does not protect…

DICK’S STRUGGLES: Filling Shelf Space as Sales Sag

Dick’s Sporting Goods won high praise from gun grabbers and the media for their knee-jerk reaction to the Parkland school massacre. Under CEO Edward Stack, the chain pulled magazines and modern sporting rifles from their shelves. They also unilaterally decided to end sales of all guns to anyone under 21. It…

Gun Free Zones: A teacher’s perspective

By A Guns Save Life Member: Imagine arriving at work and you must disarm before entering your workplace.  Not too difficult as many folks work in gun free, easy victim zones, right?  Imagine though being responsible for the safety of scores of young people in addition to yourself in that…

Illinois Legislative Update from John Boch

by John Boch Guns Save Life’s Executive Director The Illinois General Assembly has now returned to finish the spring session.  A couple of weeks ago, it looked as though Illinois Democrats were going to finish off Illinois gun owners’ rights as well, with the help of a few Republicans.  I've compared…