Month: February 2018

UGLY: Update from Todd Vandermyde.

Todd Vandermyde posted this over at Illinois Carry. I'll try top keep this short but its gonna ramble a bit.  So you're upset by Trump. Fine. Don't forget that Bush gave us the import ban and started us down this road. And if you think Hillary was a better option,…

Sundown at Coffin Rock

by Raymond K. Paden The old man walked slowly through the dry, fallen leaves of autumn, his practiced eye automatically choosing the bare and stony places in the trail for his feet. There was scarcely a sound as he passed, though his left knee was stiff with scar tissue. He…

Little Marco Sold Gun Owners Out at CNN Town Hall

Little Marco Rubio appeared at the CNN town hall meeting Wednesday evening.  Hosted by former Handgun Control, Inc. spokesman Jake Tapper, the event seemed pretty lopsided against the NRA and gun owners.  And Little Marco Rubio told those present, and by extension, all 682 of CNN's viewers nationwide that he…

TALK IS CHEAP: “Kill the NRA” Billboard in Kentucky

"Kill the NRA": That's the message that a sign company says vandals put up on I-65 in Louisville this past weekend.   Courtesy the Courier-Journal... A vandalized billboard along a major interstate in Louisville is calling out the National Rifle Association following the recent school shootings in Kentucky and Florida. The sign along Interstate 65 northbound…