Month: March 2017

IL LEGISLATIVE UPDATE… Gun Owners got played

[caption id="attachment_23615" align="aligncenter" width="535"] Democrat Kathleen Willis, sponsor of the bill to allow your mother-in-law to take your guns away.  Daily Herald photo.[/caption] Gun grabbers from across the nation have taken up residence in the Illinois General Assembly.  Tuesday proved a bad day for gun owners in Illinois.  In short,…

Do Guns & Ammo Belong in Your Bug-Out Bag

Bug-out bags, sometimes known as "get home bags", provide some basics to survive while evacuating from a disaster. While philosophies vary about the bags and their contents, are guns and/or ammo part of your BOB? You should have an emergency pack, or bug-out bag or whatever you want to call…

Local VFW pulls the welcome mat for Guns Save Life

  You need another reason to get involved at the local level?  Pushing back against anti-gun bigots by John Boch There remain plenty of uninformed, ill-informed and just plain bigoted people out there who don’t like guns.  Bigots in particular will discriminate against gun owners at any opportunity.  Our mission…

Trump Administration Reverses Obama Ban on Lead Ammo

Winning feels good. Even better, the winning continues under President Donald Trump. On his first day in office, Trump’s new Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke reversed the Obama ban on lead ammo. The move comes as a welcome relief to the hunting and fishing communities. On January 19th, with less than…