Month: September 2015

SAVE YOUR LIFE: Prevent a Home Invasion 101

by John Boch A Chicago Police detective was present at a recent Chicago Guns Save Life meeting and he passed along some excellent advice on how to reduce your risk of home invasion. The detective said that the preferred modus operandi of most burglars locally was to strike during the…

HOOAH Golfing for Heroes: A huge success

Guns Save Life members have taken a liking to the HOOAH Deer Hunt for Heroes program, a group of people who take wounded soldiers from Ft. Campbell, Kentucky and other bases for some "Healing Outside of a Hospital" time as these soldiers are preparing to leave the military and rejoin…

SAVE YOUR LIFE: Your three most vulnerable locations

    by John Boch At a recent Chicago GSL meeting, civilian and law-enforcement firearms instructor Rocco Wlodarek from Black Flag Firearm Training spent a few minutes talking with the audience about three locations we are most vulnerable in our daily lives. Parking lots.  The first location was parking lots…

DISCARDED VALOR: Throwing out service awards

by John Boch We’ve all heard stories of stolen valor where defective, insecure individuals claim to be decorated American servicemen, but who are merely degenerate frauds.  Sadly, I ran across the opposite recently at an estate auction.  I termed it “discarded valor”. It was quickly apparent at this auction that…