A woman hears that her sister, a teacher at Sandy Hook Elemetary School, was among the victims. She died shielding her students with her body.


Elizabeth Cameron, one of our Guns Save Life family, had a piece published at Lew Rockwell a few days ago that is very well done.

Lies and the State

by Elizabeth Cameron

(Lew Rockwell) – I know there are some honorable people in government. I have even met some. This article is not about them. It is about those politicians, hereinafter referred to as “the government”, who aid and abet the proliferation of politically expedient lies in a thousand sneaky ways. They would appear to be the majority, or things would be better than they are.

I often hear questions like these: Why doesn’t the government address the issue of the link between psychotropic drugs and mass shootings? Why do they talk only about gun control as a means to “stop the violence”? Why don’t they get it? Why are they so dumb?

Listen: They are not dumb. They know exactly what they are doing. And when it comes to mass shootings, despite all the sympathetic things they say, they actually find such crises useful. “Problem-reaction-solution” is the traditional tool used by authoritarian regimes to expand their grip. This was once affirmed by Rahm Emmanuel, Obama’s former White House Chief of Staff, when he said, in a rare moment of candor, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”

If the federal gun-grabbers actually wanted solutions to the problem of mass shootings, they would look for actual causes. Without extreme public pressure, they are not going to do this. They will look only for causes, however specious, that support their position that more government control is the only solution. And they will try to paint as crazy anybody who argues otherwise.

Truth: Psychiatric drugs are implicated as a causative factor in mass shootings. Evidence of this abounds – certainly enough to justify a serious federal investigation. The government prefers to ignore this. Why? Because as long as they pretend not to see the connection, they can use the crisis du jour to fuel their gun grab; and because Big Pharma, who makes approximately a gazillion dollars a year on the sale of psych drugs, has tentacles into the government and lots of high-priced lobbyists, and the government is not keen to buck this power structure.

Truth: Gun-free zones allow for the accumulation of many bodies in an attack. This is obvious, because in a “gun-free zone” there is nobody to shoot back. Is the government going to acknowledge this? No. It doesn’t serve their agenda.

It is crucial to remember that if a problem persists despite the existence of solutions, then that problem is being held in place by those who profit from it. This is done by the proliferation of lies.

Lie: We must pass more gun laws to keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals. This does not pass the test of even kindergarten logic, because criminals are by definition law-breakers, and therefore will have weapons whatever the law says. Do people really think that somebody who will mow down little kids in a classroom is going to stop because the rulebook says he isn’t supposed to have a gun? We outlawed murder long ago. How come that didn’t stop him?

Lie: We must have gun-free zones to keep our kids safe. This is patently absurd. Any criminal who is intent upon destruction will go for the soft target every time. Why? Because it is a soft target! But even a drug-addled psychopath may be startled back into reality if he enters the school with a rifle and comes face to face with adults bearing drawn weapons. If he is not so startled, then he will go down quickly, just as he should, and the little kids will go home alive to their parents.


Read the rest here…