Americans know the truth

A good guy with a gun is the only thing that stops a bad person with evil in their heart!

by John Naese  
In the modern age of 24 hour “news”, social media, and the anti-gun bias of mainstream / leftist media sources, it’s easy for gun owners to fall prey to the idea that they’re wrong.  Whenever a heinous crime like the Umpqua college murder spree occurs, the media vultures and the anti-gun politicians pounce.  They want your silence, your shame, and your acquiescence to “reasonable” gun regulation.

Don’t fall for it.  You know better.  Don’t give them anything except your righteous indignation.

You are not alone knowing that the only thing that stops a bad man with evil in his heart is a good guy with a gun – and that gun free zones are nothing but a dinner bell calling lunatics and criminals.

Tens of millions of new guns and many millions of new gun owners in recent years are evidence that the ad nauseam calls for “gun control” (prettied up with such terms as “common sense gun regulation” and “closing the gun show loophole”) are NOT resonating with regular folks.  Everyday Americans are voting with their wallets on their perceived benefit of firearm ownership to thwart violent crime until the police can arrive.

The gun controllers, starting with community organizer-in-chief President Obama, have slipped to near irrelevancy.  The President and others have recently upped the ante, coming out and calling for mass gun confiscations like those in Great Britain and Australia.

Yes, President Obama is seeking to confiscate your guns, something he previously repeatedly denied when the championed the euphemistic “common sense gun regulation.”  You can’t say we didn’t warn you.

How’s that “prevention” going for Australia and Great Britain?  Violent crime has increased dramatically in both nations and today greatly exceeds America’s.

The gun-grabbing leftists want you, the American gun owner, to feel guilty for the crimes committed by sociopaths with guns.  They want you to silently cower while they work to demagogue the issue to pass gun bans and even confiscation, and if those fail, then more so-called “common sense” gun restrictions.

Surveys have shown that support for gun bans is at record lows and support for additional gun control is at generational lows.

The hard evidence is on our side as well.  Since 1994, gun ownership in this country has increased by more than 60 percent, while at the same time, gun homicides have been cut in half.  The number of licensed gun owners has grown 50% in Illinois alone since Obama’s 2008 election.  Nearly 15 million Americans have concealed carry licenses today – not counting the population of seven states where law-abiding residents can carry without a license.

John Lott pioneered the scholarly research in the 1990’s and found that more guns in the hands of good guys equals less crime.  That research, by the way, inspired the name of our organization.  Many more lives are saved each year because Americans have guns than are taken by Americans who have guns.  In other words, Guns Save Life.

Gun ownership is on the increase.  Crime is on the decrease.  Concealed carry permits are up, way up, while carry permit holders continue to be much better behaved than the population at large.  Training opportunities abound, and many Americans are taking advantage of them.

So don’t be hectored by the anti-gun media and politicians.  Become an activist.  Do something that is bigger than yourself to leave your legacy behind after you’re gone.  Promote freedom aggressively so future generations can enjoy what we’ve accomplished.

Be proud of your gun ownership!  Take a friend to the range.  Get training.  Join and become active in pro-gun organizations.  Attend and participate in grassroots meetings.  You’ll make new friends – good friends at that.

Most of all, don’t be the silent majority.

You know that guns save life, and the statistics bear it out.  Help make sure your fellow Americans know it as well.

2 thoughts on “AMERICANS UNDERSTAND: The only thing that stops a bad person with evil intent is a good guy with a gun”
  1. Instead of ” Guns makes us less safe ” logo, it should read ” Mommie pants with a mouth attached. “

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