
Bernie Sanders.

He’s causing quite a headache for Hillary Clinton, keeping her from achieving her coronation as the Democrat’s candidate for president in 2016.

How is he on guns?

You may have heard he’s tepidly pro-gun.

He’s tepidly pro-gun (and pro-hunting) like Barack Obama is pro-gun.  In his own words:

I am pro-gun, and pro-hunting. But I don’t believe that hunters need assault weapons and AK-47s to kill deer.

Remember, he hails from a state where gun rights are held in high regard and hunting is a way of life.

What happens when he lands in the national scene when he doesn’t have a extraordinarily pro-gun constituency to hold him to that stance?

3 thoughts on “BERNIE SANDERS: “I am pro-gun, and pro-hunting.” Just like Barack Hussein Obama.”
  1. Nice piece of shit car with nice piece of shit message.

    Turds of a feather flock together.

    It’s amazing what Bernie’s promises of socialized education do to bring the lazy young people to his campaign!


  2. Bernie, Bernie, Bernie, PLEASE run with the anti-constitutionalist platform of the current resident of the “White Hut”, maybe? we will have another “gun salesman of the millenium” to rival the big “0” (that’s ZERO” not “o”), but if you do I don’t think you will make it to the “Hut”.

  3. The instant someone mentions hunters or hunting in relation to the Second Amendment they confirm they’re not qualified to speak on the subject.

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