
Yes, Virginia, there is free ammo out there.

Here’s the email I got from Brandon at

Brandon here from over at, I hope you had a good weekend and the HOOAH golf tournament was a success. It looked like great weather for a very worthy cause.

That got my attention.  It wasn’t a broadcast email!  And yes, the HOOAH outing was a HUGE success!  Check out the pictures if you haven’t already.

Next week, we’re launching a pretty big campaign with the help of Magtech designed to get more people interested in shooting.  In total, we have 100,000 rounds of 9mm earmarked for folks who are willing to take a new shooter (kids, spouse, friend, etc.) to the range as part of what we’re calling “Ammo Ambassadors”.

Here’s what we have planned:

Starting at 12 p.m. on October 6, we’ll have downloadable target on our site. The first 1,000 people who print it off, take a new shooter to the range and upload it on our site will get 2 boxes of ammo delivered to their door for free. 

The page with the target isn’t visible today but it will be next Tuesday (Oct. 6) at noon.(

(Emphasis added).

It’s a perfect fit to Guns Save Life’s public education mission, introducing people to the fun and excitement of shooting sports.

So, starting at noon Tuesday, October 6th, download the target and take a newbie out to the range.

Take a picture of them holding the target with a big grin (and if they are holding a firearm, holding it in a safe manner!) and send it back to and you’ll get two boxes of 9mm ammo delivered to your door for free.  How sweet is that?

In fact, if you send your pictures to me here at Guns Save Life (jboch (at), I’ll post them up for all to see the big smiles and happy faces of participants.

Guns Save Life members and friends:   I’m giving you a sneak peek of part of the official target below, and maybe just maybe, I’ll have the whole target up in the coming days so you can get a leg up on the competition, so to speak.    I don’t have their permission to release the target in its entirety, but I wanted to give them some hard-to-miss publicity for this wonderful project.

Thanks also to Magtech ammo.  Both companies deserve a pat on the back for doing a great thing for the cause of shooting.

Now, your mission is to be thinking about some people you know who haven’t yet experienced the thrill and excitement of shooting.  Call and make arrangements to take them shooting.  And check back here for the whole target.  Take a whole family out shooting!