Instead of demanding others do their work for them, a faith-base neighborhood watch group has formed to help stop black-on-black violence in their community.  What’s more, they’ve had a remarkable record of success, making the neighborhoods safe for children and teenagers to play and families in general.

It should serve as a potential role-model for black communities plagued by violence.

All it took initially were a handful of people fed up with the endless cycle of violence to get involved and do something about it themselves, instead of pleading for outsiders to fix the problem.

Shootings have stopped and the quality of life has gone up sharply thanks to their work.  This could work in urban neighborhoods across the country as a means to tackle inner-city violent crime.


Base photo via Facebook.

Boots on the Ground: Faith-Based Watch Group Helps Quell Neighborhood Violence

Overall, it’s just another Tuesday evening in Chestnut Woods.

But it hasn’t always been this way.

According to statistics provided by the Lakeland Police Department, officers were called to Chestnut Woods for gun-related incidents 19 times last year.

So far this year, officers responded to five reports of shots fired, all of which took place in January.

No one has been shot since October.

And everyone agrees: Boots on the Ground, the faith-based neighborhood watch group that marches through the streets in prayer, doing what it can to regulate the rising tide of violence through spreading the good word, has played a major role.

“The kids are able to go out and play now without having to worry about a drive-by,” said Fenisha Kirby, 43, as she cradled one of her grandbabies. “You see how quiet it is here right now? Before, you couldn’t even stand out here.”

“We need them out here. They are getting all the demons out,” 26-year-old Tamara Stanford added.

LPD Assistant Chief Mike Link said that overall, it’s just a very positive thing.

“What they are doing is interceding with the young folks who are getting involved with gang violence and helping them get involved with positive things,” he said. “We will take all the help from the community we can get, and this is a help.”

6 thoughts on “BRAVO: Church’s neighborhood watch group stops black-on-black violence”
    1. Honestly, I wonder if the Democrat entitlement-machine politicians in Chicago would find it in their best interests to have some of their crime-infested neighborhoods become safe and vibrant.

      Surely, if they really wanted to stop crime, they would have done some things differently in the past few generations they’ve been in charge instead of doing the same things over and over again.


    2. Democrats do a lot of things in private that they wouldn’t want the world to know about.

  1. George Zimmerman would like to add his two cents ($.02) on the neighborhood watch project.

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