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Guns Save Life has an opportunity to make several thousand dollars if we can help staff the gates at the upcoming Blues, Brews and BBQ event in downtown Champaign on June 24 & 25, 2016.  The “shifts” last 3 hours each on Friday afternoon/evening and Saturday all day.  Volunteers can sign up for one or more shifts here.

It’s supposed to be family friendly, and teenage volunteers are welcome with mom or dad’s permission.

UPDATE:  How does GSL have an opportunity to make several thousand dollars?  We get 10% of the gate receipts if we can supply enough volunteers to keep things flowing smoothing at the entrances.


What do they need?  In a nutshell, they need volunteers to show up in closed-toe shoes and not drunk or stoned.  They’ll give you a t-shirt.


What will it entail?  You’ll greet folks and ask people if they would like to make the suggested donation of $5 to attend.  What’s more, if folks want to drink, you’ll check ID and issue a wristband.  And lastly, you’ll check any bags to make sure folks aren’t smuggling any booze or other beverages in (aside from unopened water).


Here’s the link to sign up for shifts.

If you need assistance or have questions, please contact Wendy at 217-693-7273 or e-mail


Here is the “job description”.

Things to know for Gate Workers

Thank you for volunteering to be a Gate Worker at the 2016 Blues Brews and BBQ Festival.  This is some information that is exclusive to the Gate Workers and should be perused prior to your reporting for your shift.  If you have any questions prior to the festival days, please feel free to contact Wendy via or via phone 217-693-7273.

1) Welcome each guest or group of guests:   “ Welcome to the Champaign Blues , Brews, and BBQ Festival.  Would you like to make the suggested $5.00 donation?”

A portion of each donation goes to help INSERT CHARITY HERE! Talk it up!

2) Ask about drinking:

“Will you be enjoying any alcoholic beverages at the festival today?”

If they answer YES: Check their ID and give them a wristband if they are of Legal Drinking Age.   (Birthdate must be on or before the date in 1995).  Each gate will be staffed with 1-2 BEST Trained staff members to assist in this task.

3) ANYONE WITH A BAG OR PURSE will need to open it up for you.

There will be signs posted as to what can and cannot be brought into the festival, but we need the gate crews need to help insure that all guests are following the rules—Especially when the gates are very busy.

4) Offer guests a Guide.

The guide will contain information related to the questions that the festival goers ask.

Gate #1: Located at the intersection of Main St. and Walnut

Gate #2: Located on Washington nest to the Orpheum Children’s Museum

5) Guest Rules:

1. No Coolers, or Alcoholic beverages allowed into or out of the event.

2. No Pets Allowed. (Service animals will have proper “identification”)

3. Even if they have a wristband/stamp from another bar/event, they still must show proper ID and obtain our festival wristband in order to consume alcohol at the festival.

4. No outside beverages coming in.  Exception: UNOPENED bottled water and Camel Backs are OK.  If it looks suspicious—make sure they toss it.

 6) Remind Guests as they leave that any unspent tickets can be “donated” in the buckets. Those will count as gate donations!

 7) No Weapons of any kind are allowed inside the Festival.  Even if an individual has a concealed carry permit, he/she is prohibited from bringing a firearm into the festival under Illinois concealed carry act.


Here are the “rules” for volunteers.



1. Arrive in weather appropriate attire, INCLUDING CLOSE TOE SHOES, and be prepared for varying weather.

2.  Arrive 10-15 minutes prior to my initial shift start time to sign in at volunteer headquarters.  I will also sign out at volunteer headquarters at the end of my shift.  If I fail to do so, my hours may not be counted in any raffle drawings.

3.  Wear the Blues Brews and BBQ Festival shirt given to me at sign in for the duration of my shift(s).  If I work more than one position/shift, I must wear the shirt given to me at the beginning of my first shift.

4.  Arrive sober and free of drugs and remain so for the duration of my shift(s).

5.  Will not carry weapons or illegal paraphernalia on my person or in my personal belongings while on festival grounds.

6.  Will be at least 16 years of age on or before June 15, 2016

7.  Will NOT be entitled to  compensation or other benefits from Fluid Events, nor am I entitled to workman’s compensation claims as I am a volunteer.

8.  Understand that Cell Phones and other personal electronics are to be used for emergency purposes only while I am volunteering and working a shift.  Also that Fluid Events will not be held liable for any loss or damages to these devices or other personal property that I bring.

9.  Never leave my station without the permission of the person supervising me.

10. Understand that parking and transportation to/from the event is my own responsibility.

11. Fluid Events management reserves the right to dismiss me from the festival at any time for any reason, including non-compliance with the terms of this agreement.

3 thoughts on “VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Help GSL earn thousands in Champaign June 24 & 25”
  1. No CCL? I don’t think so.
    No mention of how this enables GSL to make thousands of dollars.

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